1.Since it is a priori proposition in the science of criminal law that a crime is a actus reus, omission undoubtedly has the nature of actus reus-the crux is to explain it reasonably.
1.Truths a priori held their own against truths surely relative.
2.A priori pronouncements about what is " simplistic" cannot.
3.So the expected value is still a half a priori.
4.There is, however, not much to be said about the state of confidence a priori.
然而, 关于置信度状态没有太多可说。机翻
5.Kant's claim, then, is that knowledge consists of synthetic a priori judgments.
6.The phrase 'a priori' is less objectionable, and is more usual in modern writers.
“” 这个词不那么令人反感, 在现作家中更常见。机翻
7.A priori, the region might have seemed a likely one to support productive indigenous agriculture.
8.The statement " Mary exists" is not a truth of reason; its truth is not a priori.
9.Thus the scope and power of a priori principles is strictly limited.
因, 原则范围和权力受到严格限制。机翻
10.You would not think it, to look at them. There is no a priori probability about it. A strange enigma is man!
11.The system of 1789 had broken down, and with it the eighteenth-century fabric of a priori, or moral, principles.
1789 年体系已经崩溃, 18 世纪或道德原则结构也随之崩溃。机翻
12.A priori to the analysis, I can still say words like that if I'm not a Bayesian.
13.We demand apodictic certainty in our sciences, and such certainty is possessed only by synthetic a priori judgments.
14.To answer this question, Kant had first to discover what constitutes a synthetic judgment a priori.
15.A priori to the analysis, this is a procedure that gives me intervals that cover the truth 95% of the time.
在分析情况下,这是一个为我提供 95% 时间覆盖真相间隔过程。机翻
16.Like scientific knowledge, moral knowledge is based on a priori judgments.
17.But it was not simply a question of how a priori knowledge is possible, but how " synthetic judgments a priori" are possible.
18.What, more specifically, is a priori knowledge?
更具体地说, 什么是知识?机翻
19.At this point Kant makes a further distinction, this time between judgments that are a priori and judgments that are a posteriori.
20.The a priori insistence on this unity ended by fatiguing the more active — or reactive — minds; and Lord Bacon tried to stop it.
对这种统一性坚持最终导致更活跃——或反应性——头脑疲惫不堪; 培根勋爵试图阻止它。机翻